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Immunizations - Immunizations

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Vaccines have a history dating back more than 200 years ago when Edward Jenner created the first vaccine in 1796 to battle a once very common and deadly disease, smallpox. Since then vaccines have been a continued effort to prevent/combat diseases and have saved countless lives. Many of the diseases (viruses) that vaccines help to prevent are still in existence and can be passed on to others who have not been immunized against the disease(s). By providing vital immunizations to infants, children, teens and adults, we help to prevent serious and potentially deadly diseases.

immunizationsOffice Hours:

9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. – By Appointment Only
Please arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your appointment time to complete the registration process.

Call (660) 562-2755 for more information or to make an appointment.


Who We Can See:

We are able to vaccinate all ages. We carry federally and state funded vaccines as well as some county purchased vaccines. There are certain restrictions for each vaccine. These restrictions are imposed by federal and state rules/regulations. We are bound by these rules/regulations for the federally and state funded vaccines.

• There are some requirements for certain age groups when coming in to receive vaccine(s):
We must have an up-to-date immunization record for all children 18 years of age and younger prior to their immunization appointment. If the child does not have an up-to-date immunization record, they may be refused services.
• Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent (biological or adoptive)/legal guardian. (Legal guardians must bring proof of guardianship.) If a child’s parent or legal guardian is unable to accompany the child to the clinic for immunizations, they can give written permission to another adult to bring the child to the clinic. Letter of permission (treated as a one time permission) must include:
• Parent/legal guardian’s name—Please print and sign your name
• Child’s name who will be receiving the immunization(s)
• Name of the person accompanying the child

To receive a copy of the immunization record complete this form and return to our office with proper identification.

Nodaway County Health Center • 2416 South Main, Maryville, MO  64468 • 660-562-2755 (phone) 660-562-4995 (fax)