Monday, March 31, 2025
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About - About

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volunteer.jpgNon Emergency
At the Nodaway County Health Center we appreciate volunteers. Perhaps you would like to help with our community garden, special projects, at health fairs or other events, during non-emergency times.

Emergency Situations
Experience shows that a local community must be able to sustain itself for the first 72 hours following a disaster until outside help can arrive. Trained volunteers are a critical part of this initial response. Please let us know if you would like to be trained how to prepare for and participate in a public health response for a variety of disaster situations.

Contact us at 660-562-2755 and talk to Tom Patterson, Administrator.

Nodaway County Health Center • 2416 South Main, Maryville, MO  64468 • 660-562-2755 (phone) 660-562-4995 (fax)